新產品警報! | TrueSlip 傳感器

At Michigan Scientific Corporation, we are always looking for new ways to improve our existing products or create new products. Michigan Scientific is excited for the release of our new Slip Angle Sensor, the TrueSlip 傳感器. TrueSlip 傳感器可安裝在多種車輛上,以改進車輛動態測試。

TrueSlip 傳感器與 Michigan Scientific 兼容 車輪力傳感器,提供有關車輛輪胎與路面之間關係的綜合信息。 傳感器通過 CAN 輸出信號。

Michigan Scientific TrueSlip 側滑傳感器與 Michigan Scientific 車輪力傳感器

帶有輪力傳感器的 Michigan Scientific TrueSlip 傳感器

TrueSlip measures slip angle with high accuracy. The sensor optically measures the longitudinal and lateral velocities of the surface below it. TrueSlip slip angle measurements include the true SAE defined slip angle, the arctangent of the lateral velocity divided by the longitudinal velocity.

Slip angle measurements aid in understanding the relationship between the direction in which a vehicle is oriented and the direction in which it moves. 側偏角 測量通過比較輪胎指向的方向和它們行駛的方向來評估輪胎性能。

TrueSlip 傳感器安裝在許多不同類型車輛的車輪上,可以滿足各種車輛動態測試的需求。 該傳感器是輪胎測試、ADAS 測試和自動駕駛汽車測試的絕佳工具。 該傳感器能夠在任何光照條件下工作。 TrueSlip 配備內部紅外照明,以傳感器的光學頻率保持表面照明。 TrueSlip 具有 IP67 等級,可在乾燥路面、潮濕路面和乾燥結冰路面上良好運行。

要了解有關新型 TrueSlip 傳感器的更多信息, 立即聯繫密歇根科學代表.